Resolutions for the Farm
With the new year upon us, many begin to declare resolutions for themselves such as becoming more organized or …
With the new year upon us, many begin to declare resolutions for themselves such as becoming more organized or …
As with many industries this past year, agriculture and hay production have seen extreme rises in input costs and …
Fall is the perfect time for planting winter annuals such as annual ryegrass, oats, wheat or cereal rye in …
Keep forage stubble height high– A higher forage stubble height increases your cool season pasture’s water-holding capacity and re-growth …
√ Complete spring vaccinations if haven’t done so already. √ Deworm livestock and horses if necessary. √ Implement a fly control program …
I’ve observed many area pastures dotted with the yellow-flowering buttercup over the past month–a sure sign of spring. Buttercup …
Laminitis is a debilitating systemic disease which manifests in the horse’s hoof, causing significant pain and lameness. Although there …
The N.C. Cooperative Extension of Polk County office held a field day last Tuesday, February 23, 2021, which was …